The Last (Love) Letter
Dear John, My work area this day has been my window-side tucked in a corner of the room as if trying to resume…
Dear John, My work area this day has been my window-side tucked in a corner of the room as if trying to resume…
We are so accustomed to a daily dose of part inspiration, part rubbish Shakespearean quotes – once in a while through books and almost…
I’ve struck gold, (I shouted) in a mid-night dream which took me to the mystical terrains a land so yellow that for once…
They say that dress maketh a man; we say the buck maketh a man who dresses well. Let’s face it it’s not just…
Agreed, that 'without makeup' always does not mean natural beauty. Also agreed, that not all are blessed to have the perfect lips or…
I’m not big into change. In Oncology, when a normal cell changes into something malignant, it’s called cellular transformation. The damn cells turn…
You might find them eerie or you might take them to be fascinating, but one thing is for sure - they are a…