Dry Eye Syndrome: Causes And Treatment

Dry Eye Syndrome: Causes And Treatment

Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a common problem, especially among those who spend a lot of time at the computer. According to Russian researchers, more than 10% of patients under the age of 40 and almost 70% of patients over 50 suffer from DES. Its reasons can be different: climate, computer, air conditioning and even cigarette smoke.

Correct Tears

In order for the human eye to function fully, its surface must be constantly moistened. To do this, the lacrimal glands produce a tear film. It protects the eyeball from drying out and penetration of pathogenic microbes, nourishes it, and lubricates the eyelid when blinking. When a person blinks, the film is evenly distributed over the surface of the eye.

If, for any reason, the glands stop producing the required amount of tear fluid or its quality is impaired, the film begins to dry out. Or moisture can rapidly evaporate from the surface of the eye due to the nature of the environment. The result is dry eye syndrome.

Who is guilty?

In most cases, a person does not think about any STD. Feeling discomfort in his eyes, he finds a lot of explanations for this: he didn’t get enough sleep, he was tired … Meanwhile, the process is developing.

A variety of factors can cause dry eye syndrome. First of all, these are:

  • Climatic conditions (dryness, heat, strong wind, highlands)
  • Smoke (including tobacco), smog, polluted atmosphere
  • Dry air in the room where computers work, air conditioners or heaters are turned on
  • Working at the computer, watching TV
  • Wearing contact lenses
  • Long-term use of certain drugs
  • Vitamin deficiency 
  • General diseases of the body (Parkinson’s and Sjogren’s diseases, diabetes, thyroid problems, hormonal changes, rheumatic processes, allergic diseases)

Drops, Gel, Dry eye sleep mask or Stopper ?

Treatment of dry eye syndrome is a lengthy and highly individual process. First of all, you need to find out why there was a dry eye. If DES is a consequence of any disease, treatment should be carried out in parallel.

If your own tear is not enough to moisturize, or its quality has deteriorated, and it cannot protect the eye from adverse effects, replacement therapy is performed. The doctor prescribes drops for dry eyes, which are similar in composition to lacrimal fluid.

In the treatment of DES, drugs in the form of artificial tears are widely used, which create a protective film on the surface of the eye. Some of them are liquid and do not last long. Others are thicker, in the form of gels, so they stay on the surface of the eye longer. The frequency of installation is determined individually.

It is best to use preservative-free artificial tears as it soothes the eyes better and contains fewer additional ingredients.

Drops that relieve eye redness are not used. They constrict the conjunctival vessels, do not have sufficient wetting properties, and only exacerbate the problem.

There is another way of treatment. The opening of the lacrimal canaliculus is closed with a special plastic stopper. This reduces the loss of tear fluid by reducing natural drainage. The plug is placed temporarily or for permanent wear. 

Using a dry eye mask for sleeping is also a best alternative to treat dry eyes. You can do short-term procedures 15-20 minutes long with a dry eye relief mask to treat dry eyes. 

Simple But Effective

Here are some simple tips to help you manage dry eye:

  • Use of the best eye mask for dry eyes
  • Consume 8-10 glasses of liquid a day. This will provide the body with the necessary amount of moisture and accelerate the elimination of toxins.
  • Blink more often, especially when reading or watching TV
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes – this increases irritation.
  • Keep your workplace, be it an office or home study, clean
  • Take a break from work every 40-45 minutes. Don’t forget about eye and neck gymnastics
  • You can wash your eyes with an infusion of chamomile, calendula and tea, if you are not allergic to these components.
  • Include vegetable oils and sea buckthorn in your diet
  • Protect your eyes from the sun with sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats, and baseball caps
Christie Lewis
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