Every other woman you see wearing clip-in hair extensions are quite often nervous when they put them on. This is because applying hair extensions is not an easy job and something that you can master overnight. But after going through this how-to guide, we hope that you’d be able to fetch at least 70% of the roadmap to wearing clip-in hair extensions at home the easy way.
You may have watched a couple of how-to’s out there, but applying clip-in hair extensions is more of an art rather than a simple makeover that depends on simple easy-to-follow steps. However, we did our best to compile this DIY home guide to wearing clip-in hair extensions, have a look:
Things you’ll need:
- A complete clip-in hair extension kit;
- A cozy brush;
- A clip and a wide mirror.
Step#1: Wash your natural hair properly to make sure that no oil or any sticky substance exists throughout the scalp and roots. This makes the whole process a lot easier and quick, since oil makes it pretty hard for clip-ins to settle down.
Step#2: Divide your natural hair in portions, starting from one ear lobe to another using your finger. It doesn’t really matter if the dividing lines are not perfect and sleek. We also recommend that you don’t use a comb to do this job, since a comb would stretch down the roots in a harsher way!
Step#3: Now put up a large clip over at the remaining part of your hair to segregate them. Use a backcombing brush to backcomb the divided portion of your hair so that there’s enough space for other clips to hang. Now apply a soft and gentle hairspray to strengthen the grip!
Step#4: Pull your clip-in set out from the kit that you have at place. Open up the grips for placing those clips. The clip teeth should be firmly squeezed so that there’s enough hold. After all you don’t want your social circle to expose your reality… Pffff!!!
Step#5: Now that the clip-ins are fitted properly, make sure that you look at the backside of your head using a mirror to see if there aren’t any bumps or uneven surfaces.
Tips that will come in handy while applying clip-in hair extension
The design and quality of the clips must be according to your hair extension. Uneven clips wouldn’t be able to firmly hold your hair and moreover they will expose themselves to other people.
If you’re going on shorter trips, use around 3-5 clips would suffice. More clips are to be added in an event of longer occasions.
Just remember that it will take a little bit of practice and patience to put up your clip-in hair extensions the way you want them. Once you’re in good practice, it will be a piece of cake and quickie. If you rather prefer kinky curly clip-in hair extensions, be sure to check this guide out.
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