It’s no food for thought; it’s food to gorge up on. To say that the drippin- wid -cheese -and –ol (sic) round slice of bread topped with loads of chicken is actually healthy may be a ‘too good to swallow’ proclamation. If you could rely on research, here are the top 5 (researched) reasons you must eat pizza. Are you ready for some Pizza Therapy? Sure you are.

It’s a Balanced Meal
First things first, a slice or two of Pizza once or twice in a month does more good than harm. Ask any nutrition expert and he will tell you that a Pizza is one way to intake a super nutritious diet. So by biting into one you ensure a healthy intake of fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and sodium.
It’s Filling

The rule of thumb is that when you feel satiated you do not crave. Now while the rule doesn’t apply to chocolates (ask any girl and she’ll tell you why) with Pizzas no one except for a gluten or someone with an excellent metabolic rate can gorge up on more than two.
It’s Your Social Quotient

Yes, Pizza is not always about food. It is not also just about food. It’s rather a guarantee of good times and great company. Even a re-heated Pizza tastes great if you have good company. Besides, a sprinkling or oregano makes life better.
It Reminds you there is Goodness in the World

In happy times, you rush to Pizza. In the times of despair, you turn to Pizza. An instant soother, Pizza becomes your agony aunt and pass-time buddy. With Pizza in it – in any of its make and model, vegetarian, chicken, pan, medium, large, what have you – the world seems a better place.
It Makes You a Connoisseur

You haven’t had your pizza until you have had a 10,000 of them (with no single-type repeated). So, that’s your challenge and the reason for you to get up close and personal with your Pizza: you are on your way to perfecting the art of Pizza Tasting!
In Conclusion
There are very few people who can abandon Pizza from their life. As a friend once said, “How can anyone get bored with Pizza”? I could not agree with more with that friend. Pizza is the only everlasting seduction!
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And there r a loads of them in terms of variety