Sweet Love Surreal

Sweet Love Surreal

He caught my eye in the morning’s mist
And seems to have captured me in the moment

                                                                                I played to his tunes

                                                                                 Like a mesmerized snake

                                                                                 Lost in his eyes for love’s sake

While everywhere the ranting was loud
I only heard the ticker of his heart
While ever so loud the traffic honked
I only sensed the rambling of the rain
I only sang a lover’s paean

                                                                     But how would I know

                                                                     How verity repels

                                                                     What the dreams nurture

                                                                     And nights propel

But how would I feel
The morning still
When the evening poured
Romance to my fill

                                                   And how would I know

                                                   That the winds would falter

                                                   That a curtailed flight they cannot alter

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