Irresistible Seduction: 10 Ways to Make Your Lips More Kissable

Irresistible Seduction: 10 Ways to Make Your Lips More Kissable

Everyone craves to be the possessor of kissable lips. Because, why not.

It may come off as a surprise that getting a more inviting pair can involve as much or as little effort as you like. But these 10 tips for more kissable lips are sure to help you master the art of seduction.

1. Fillers

You can plump your pucker with an injectable filler. Botox can lessen creases and lines, lift sagging corners and enhance your upper lip. If this sounds like the kisser of your dreams, schedule a free Botox consultation today.

2. Moisturize

Ways to Make Your Lips More Kissable and seductive

There are several ways to moisturize your lips. Keeping them hydrated is always one option, but your lips and your kissing partner will appreciate the use of lip balm or another natural oil or butter. Vitamin E, cocoa butter, grape seed oil and sweet almond oil are all great options to choose from.

3. Exfoliate

Just like you exfoliate your skin, you can also give your lips a gentle scrubbing. If you wear lipstick regularly, you should exfoliate regularly. Not only does it remove the dead skin, but it also does a great job of cleaning up after your makeup, giving you a clean palette for your next look.

4. Oral Hygiene

Nothing says “back off” quite like bad breath. A bad odor isn’t exactly the most inviting thing when wanting someone to kiss you. Be sure to get regular dental checkups and brush your teeth at least twice a day.

5. Lipstick

Ways to Make Your Lips More Kissable and seductive

Choose the right kind of lipstick. This means more than just picking a complimentary color. Using lipstick that has a SPF rating will help protect you from harmful UV rays. Choosing one that has built in moisturizers is also a great idea. 

6. Drink More Water

Hydration is key to moist, supple, kissable lips. Dry, chapped lips are a tell tale sign of dehydration, not to mention they’re not very inviting. Drink lots of water as you go throughout your day and limit alcohol.

7. Proper Diet

When you eat a healthy and well balanced diet you’re getting much more of what your body needs to produce the best results. A vitamin, mineral and antioxidant rich diet can give you glowing skin, a healthy body and tasty lips.

8. Clean

That’s right! Clean lips are a must. And licking your lips is not the same thing as cleaning them. Your face is exposed to dust and other environmental debris, and your lips too. Wash them with a gentle cleanser or try rubbing honey on them. It tastes better than soap.

9. Massage

Massaging your lips may seem like a strange thing to do, but massage has the ability to stimulate blood flow to the area and increase the circulation. Give it a try and see how your lips like it.

10. Smile

Don’t forget to smile. Like the song says, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile…” A little smile goes a long way. It not only makes you look more approachable, but it also highlights your lips.

Whether you’re looking to just make your lips good or present yourself as an inviting kisser, give a couple or all of these suggestions a try.

Christie Lewis
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