Having Trouble Falling Asleep at Night? There Might be a Solution Right Under Your Nose

Having Trouble Falling Asleep at Night? There Might be a Solution Right Under Your Nose

Sleep issues increase a multitude of risks including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Individuals suffering from insomnia need extra help from their doctors to get enough sleep. However, everyone else who facing less severe sleeping issues reviews tips for getting enough rest. If you are having trouble falling asleep at night, there might be a solution right under your nose.

Isolating Yourself from Computers and Smartphones

Isolating yourself from electronics calms down the mind and allows the individual to become sleepy. Scrolling through social media and playing video games on a smartphone gets the mind too active to sleep. Doctors recommend shutting down computers and placing a smartphone at least thirty minutes away before bedtime. The more the individual stays active and focuses on these devices the longer it takes to unwind and go to sleep. Once the individual steps away from the electronics, doctors recommend aromatherapy to promote relaxation and sleepiness. To review diffusers and essential oils for aromatherapy, visit AromaTech and browse the inventory now.

Turn Off the Television

With the TV on, it’s too easy to get distracted and next thing you know it’s 3 am. Darker rooms increase sleepiness and help the individual fall asleep faster. Turning TV off promotes restfulness and allows you to go to sleep and stay asleep.

Read a Book Before Bedtime

Reading a book before bedtime causes relaxation as after a while your eyes start to feel tired and seek sleep. You’ll find yourself falling asleep while reading because it is relaxing. Reading a book that is interesting and intriguing helps you stay focused on the book, but it will also send you off to a happy and sleepy zone.

Create a Normal Sleep Schedule

Creating a normal sleep schedule helps regulate the body’s sleep cycle and makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. It’s important to choose a schedule that provides adequate daytime and nighttime hours. The body needs both darkness and light to stay healthy and to rest more effectively. When creating a schedule, it’s important to stick to it. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day to stay on the schedule. Setting an alarm in the morning keeps you on track and prevents you from oversleeping. Altering the schedule by an hour on the weekends is acceptable, but it isn’t recommended until you develop regular sleep patterns and don’t face sleepless nights.

Exercise More Regularly

Exercising more regularly promotes a healthier lifestyle and makes it easier to sleep, too. It is necessary to keep the body healthy to avoid issues that prevent a restful night’s sleep. Doctors recommend starting exercise plans slowly and building up endurance gradually. For instance, exercising one to two hours three times a week is a great start, and it helps individuals build up their energy levels during the day and sleep better at night. The right exercise plan depends on the individual’s health and fitness goals.

Decrease Room Temperature

Decreasing room temperature makes it easier to fall asleep. If it’s too hot, it makes it difficult to relax and feel comfortable. Changes in seasons make temperature regulation a little difficult for some people. In winters, it is necessary to keep the home warmer and prevent cold-related illnesses. However, it’s more beneficial to turn down the thermostat by at least five degrees before bedtime.

Do Not Eat Too Close to Bedtime

Maintaining a duration of a few hours between eating and bedtime prevents digestive issues that otherwise make sleeping difficult. Doctors recommend that patients with gastrointestinal conditions, such as acid reflux, should have early dinner. The time allows the body to digest the food and lowers the risk of GERD. Lowering the potential for gastrointestinal issues before or during bedtime improves sleep and decreases sleep-related issues.

Try Journaling Before Bedtime

Journaling provides a chance to get all of the day’s stress out of the mind and put it all on paper. Patients with anxiety find journaling invaluable, and it helps the patients clear their minds before bedtime. Writing out issues and negative thoughts prevent the individual from obsessing about these thoughts and having sleep difficulties.

Stop Caffeine Consumption

Doctors recommend that individuals with sleeping issues stop drinking caffeinated beverages at least six hours before bedtime. Caffeinated drinks cause sleep disturbances and create a jittery effect. Individuals with sleeping problems can consume caffeine during the day, but it’s vital to stop drinking coffee, tea, and sodas as early as possible to get enough sleep at night. Higher consumption of caffeinated beverages is a common cause of insomnia.

Replace a Worn Out Mattress

An older mattress can cause sleep problems, too. If the individual cannot get comfortable, it’s impossible to fall asleep and stay asleep. Replacing an old mattress could be the key to ending sleeping problems and getting a better night’s rest. Luckily, mattress manufacturers offer free trials to test out mattresses and help consumers find the best mattress for them.

Sleep issues create unhealthy conditions and prevent the body from staying healthy. When facing sleeping difficulties, it is vital for the individual to create a normal sleep schedule and exercise regularly. Finding the best solution makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep all night.

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