Fashion Quotient: Summer Style Essentials

Fashion Quotient: Summer Style Essentials

Summers – you either hate them or love them. For the fashionistas its always the former. We all love the sun and the essential Vitamin-D that shines on us, but we hate the tanned skin, the smell of sweat and the itchy sensations that summer brings with it. Moreover, just because the difficult season is here, that does not mean that you have to surrender your style.

Get the Shorts Out

 Fair skin is a passé. Take out time to soak in the goodness of summer season. The sun is out, so should you. Get those ultra short shorts on (guys, you can go for the knee-length alternatives). Stick to the cotton. And you are ready to parade in style.

The Paper-Thin Tanks

Again guys, your T-shirts, preferably half-sleeved are good enough. For girls, however, there are trendier options. Reveal only that much that leaves the men wondering and wanting for more. Pair up the Paper-Thin tanks with ultra-chic shorts for a complete look.

The Dab-Ons

Sunscreens, lotions, compacts – It’s time to stock on some of the finest luxuries in life. They don’t cost you a fortune but work wonders and keep you glowing through the summers stretching far, right into the face of the rainy season.

The Slip-Ons

Flat, airy yet chic, the summer slip-ons are the trendiest and most comfortable foot wears that you can place a safe bet on. Floaters are the second best alternative.

That said, we won’t keep loose strings hanging when it comes to summer trends. Let’s get straight to the point. Some fashion blunders to be wary of in summers – neon, high-top shoes, statement jewelry and velvet trousseau.

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