How often do you eat real food that was grown in a farm? This won’t come as a surprise, but most of what we eat isn’t actually real food; it’s more like edible food-like material that doesn’t come out of nature.
The problem with eating synthetic food substances is that over time, it changes your body on a genetic level, and it opens you up to all kinds of ailments. The food industry is a huge market, and the selling point has always been a list of “essential” nutrients listed on a box.
The common person is easily duped into consuming nicely packaged store-bought food that is nicely packaged and advertised as the best thing for the human body. What we eat determine not only our physical health but our emotions and mental health. If you’re interested in living a long healthy life, and being centered, then diet is going to play an important role in that endeavor.
Let’s take a look at what it means to eat real food.
What Is a Plant-based Diet?
A plant-based diet doesn’t always mean vegetarian, although this is what many people mean when they use the term. But if you see how the term is used in research studies, it is intended to mean that plant foods make up the largest section in your plate – but not necessarily the whole plate.
Foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, and dried beans are all part of the plant-based diet.Adding things like herbal extracts to your diet is also quite healthy and can help with a number of ailments.
Think of this diet as a healthy eating habit, and not as a strict lifestyle characterized by stringent rules and a heavy dose of regret whenever you taste something you’re not supposed to.This will help to cultivate a health-consciouslifestyle that will prove reliable in the long term.
Is a Plant-based Diet Heart-healthy?
Fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, and other plant-based foods provide compounds and fiber the body needs to maintain heart health, high energy, muscle growth, and to keep cholesterol in manageable levels. This diet also reduces inflammation and provides polyphenols that reduce high blood pressure. From a medical standpoint, a plant-based diet provides us many nutrients needed to maintain robust health and it definitely keeps the heart strong.
The Key to Healthy Eating — Eat Real Food
Processed food puts a lot of pressure on the dative tract and is likely to increase acidity levels, but that’s not all. Practically all common health problems are linked to diet, so this shift to real food might just be what we need to reduce the number of diseases affecting the global population. It might take a couple of weeks to get used to cooking healthy meals at home, but it has tremendous benefits to you and your family.
Vitamins and Other Nutrients Are Best Obtained From Real Food
While supplements have played a role in supplying people with much-needed vitamins and minerals, they’re still not the best way to get nutrients. The main reason people have to take vitamin pills in the first place is because the kind of processing that packaged foods are taken through ensures that minerals are depleted.
One of the biggest challenges for our generation is weight management, and as a general rule, any time you eat real food, you supply your body with healthy fats – not that dangerous stuff that makes you fat. If you want more fat, just add more nuts, olives, butter, coconut oil, or eat meats once in a while.
Feed Your Children Real Food from Birth
The worst thing you can do is to get your child hooked to junk food because then it will establish a lifestyle that involves quick fixes any time they’re hungry; and when they get older, it won’t be easy to break the habit. But if a child gets used to homemade meals and sees junk food for what it is –poison for the body and soul – then they’re likely to establish the same routine in their own home.
- Eat Real Food: Tips for Healthy and Organic Food Habits - April 16, 2019