Bathrooms are an essential part of our homes, and the bathroom vanity is a significant centerpiece in the room. Most women sit in front of the bathroom vanity before kick starting their day, as do many men. From the style and size to the countertop space, your bathroom vanity has the potential to be so much more, just like you! Nevertheless, it all depends on what you are looking for in a bathroom vanity. For more detailed descriptions and creative ideas, you can visit Arova Kitchens & Bathrooms to get a better visual of the products available to you. Space and budget will dictate how far you can take this new project, and which accessories you can purchase. But for now, we will share some creative ideas to help you get started.
Creative bathroom vanities should match your budget first and foremost, your bathroom style, and the principle of your lifestyle. There are numerous styles and design options you can take advantage of to maximize your bathroom’s appeal. But it all depends on the vanities you select. Here are some creative vanity ideas for bathroom remodeling you can consider before you update your space:
Two In One Sink
This is a simple but elongated sink that can practically be used for two people at a time. It is a wide trough-style sink with a double drainage vanity, making it a better option than a regular pair of separate sinks. However, it maintains the two taps of water and two mirrors, making it retain the vanity feature as a double.
Double Metal Sinks
The two metal sinks help keep the area open and exposed. The sinks are hammered separately to set up the contrast and balance the hardware. On the other hand, the mirrors bring the lovely elegance, not to mention the water pipes that keep the are exposed and more extensive than it is.
Double, Double Vanity
This is a step away from the traditional double and bulky vanity. Here, the large and single double vanity is broken into two. Instead, we have two but much smaller vanities in their place. The storage shelves, taps, pipes, and mirrors are all separate. The idea of the double vanity is to fit into small and medium-sized bathrooms. Additionally, the idea proves that you can still recreate the big bathroom impact into small spaces by constructing each vanity to stand alone.
Built-in With Cabinet
This remodeling idea is suitable for small and medium-sized bathrooms. It is a slick, peaceful, and stylish model that leaves your bathroom with ample space. Its sleek display gives your bathroom a clean profile.
Asymmetrical Layout
This is one of the most modern vanity remodeling designs. It is a vanity with a contemporary line that enhances tidiness and the contemporary-styled appearance. The best compliment is to use panels with glass inserts. This way, the asymmetrical layout will raise the contemporary look.
Simple Desk Vanity
This is one of the most straightforward and most affordable vanities to construct. It involves building a single-standing desk with a pair of height-adjustable legs. A cleat is then used to secure the desk onto the wall. The tap and drainage are integrated by cutting holes into the desktop with a hole saw. The towel shelf sticks out at the bottom of the desk, from where it can be easily accessible.
Your Bathroom – Your Vanity
Bathroom vanity ideas are great, especially for those who want to remodel or customize their units in a unique way that meets their style and storage preferences. An ideal vanity remodel overall should have ample base for a trough style sink while at the same time be able to provide additional counter space.
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