Bringing The Horror Back – On Why We Miss the Chills!

Bringing The Horror Back – On Why We Miss the Chills!

It stares you in your face and creeps in your cerebral cortex, turning every grey cell white. Fear looks you in the eye ball and makes the other, more important ones, ebb. They say that ‘to him who is in fear, everything rustles”. But, what about someone smitten by horror? Is there hope for the haunted ones?

Horror as a genre is one of the most absorbing, yet a highly mistreated one. Perhaps one of the most neglected subjects in this genre is its conception. Where did the first strand of horror-struck goose bump arise? Was it a purely psychological conviction or was there even an inkling of truth behind what they say about the Frankenstein’s monster?

Fairies or gypsies, werewolves or vampires, most children grow up believing in fiction. By the time they are in their teens, they settle (a bit) about the fact that there are no fairies – and no Santa Claus – Yes, That’s the exact wording ‘There ARE no fairies. The heaps of faith that you fabricated come down crashing like a tree struck by lightening.

But you still somehow believe in wandering souls and vicious witches – it’s yet not time to give up on the ghostly affairs.  It’s at 20 something that you start taking horror as a joke. From a trepidation packed genre, Horror suddenly turns into a total entertainer – so much so that it often becomes ludicrous.

Your apprehensions about the substance of horror vanish in thin air to become the rising smoke from the past. You take a whiff of horror every now and then – That’s what happens with BAD horror. And as they say – the dreadfulness has been doomed to literally confines.

The death of the dark ages goes beyond conscious strangling of rapprochement. To say that the 80s were the best in their flesh and blood kind of horror won’t be wrong. The then creatives made one thing clear – what is not visible is scarier. And THAT is a lesson that modern consternation should take from the 80s. Blood has never been scary; it has always been a symbol of rage.  If its not bloodcurdling, it isn’t tasteful horror. For fright-flick gurus, its high time to make the audience start taking horror seriously. It’s not funny when they laugh out loud at the ‘meant to be spine-tingling’ scene, figuring out who’s who in the movie.

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