I’d read a quote with humor in its best form. Apparently, it was on one of the most talked about controversial yet sizzling outfit – an itsy bitsy bikini. It said “ How to get a bikini body. Simple! Put a bikini on your body!” Apparently..that’s the coolest attitude you could ever wear to the beach.
And then, after a few glances at your stomach falling over your thighs, everyone would wish to forget the horror of the sight that they just experienced. That’s a common case in India – wearing a bikini at the cost of your public image.
In some evolved parts of the world where a bikini is just an essential swimwear, a two-piece is just that. In certain parts however, the appeal of a bikini has a direct correlation to the body shape of the wearer.
It leaves a lot of scope for ogling. Oh really? Then you’d rather wrap yourself in a bed sheet and take it off only when you’ve safely reached the most deepest spot of the pool, where its difficult for passer-by-swimmers to figure out your body type and hence. Seriously? Cheapos :/
It’s the thing that lanky long legged lasses wear in the grandiose beauty contests. Girls, if you keep thinking that way, you’ll never be able to know what a bikini is really all about. Of course, one size doesn’t fit all. Make a clever choice but don’t be foolish to ignore ( only to regret it latter) a bikini experience.
It featured on the magazine covers. It’s a good thing, isn’t it? But the only wrong thing about featuring a model in a two-piece on mag covers is that they stereotype the image of the couture. Big deal if a lass is pear shaped not hourglass sleek. She wants her bikini days too.
It is a couture difficult to find for people who aren’t the regular size – a fact that is sufficient in itself to highlight the kind of image that bikini crafters have created for it.
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