You can’t stand for your own deed; therefore, you believe you have committed a sin. For Adam, the act of eating the apple was a sin. He was warned against it. What got him biting into the fruit of peccadillo? Was it the sensory assurance of hunger that he got from his stomach or the will to experiment with lust? To admit one’s sins is sincerity. By that definition, it seems that sin is nothing but an act that you cannot justify to yourself.
Seriously, Adam never knew the outcome – I guess then we can rule out the later assumption. He must have been hungry. Wasn’t there a way that god could use to encumber him from sinning? Like throw in a distraction or two. They say that Adam and Eve were perfect in every way. If that was true, they wouldn’t have chosen to sin. Period.
They also say that admitting your sins makes you sincere, hence, sin-free. This is, again, if anything then just an act of being justifiable to yourself. All in all, guilt, as we can see plays a pivotal role in defining sin. Nonetheless, I believe I have a different notion of sin and sincerity. I take them as the two sides of the same coin. They are really conjoint. The word sincerity would exist if there was no sin. Just like the fundamental theories of there being no good without there be any evil; of there being no light without the darkness et al.
Confessions in the church have often been a safe, secure way of sincerely accepting sins and getting rid of them. There is another way that psychology propagates so that mankind can live free of guilt, burdens, depression and sin. It’s the art of sin transfer. Very often we come across ex lovers blaming each other for a quarrelsome relationship that ended up in brutal violence and hatred. A wife accuses her husband of her unhappiness. An overprotective mother restricts her son from eating junk because it was the culprit behind all the fat that sat on her and made her look ugly. A junkie on hash blames his traumatic childhood for his addictions. All these are some typical examples of guilt transfer. Once again, the mechanism is to be able to justify your acts to yourself.
What I would rather believe a sin to be is that very act of feeling guilty and clinging on to a disease. It is mentally degenerating to torture the conscious. Karma has little role to play in judging the sinful, the sensible, and the sincere. Karma is a gift that you have to wrap in the best possible manner and oblige the world with. It has little to do with you or the conscious. It is a mere act minus the sin or sincerity. It is a gesture of your perspective. And indeed, perspective is everything.
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