5 Dangers of Leaving a Chipped Tooth Untreated

5 Dangers of Leaving a Chipped Tooth Untreated

When a portion of a tooth breaks off, it’s imperative to see a dentist promptly. Chips range from minor fractures on the edge of the tooth to a severe crack that spans the surface. However, a chip of any size endangers the entire tooth by weakening and exposing the nerve. Home remedies don’t work, so it requires a visit to the dentist to prevent additional damage, pain, and more. What are some dangers associated with ignoring a tooth that has chipped?

Damage to Other Structures of the Mouth

A chipped tongue poses danger to the tongue, the inner cheek, or the lips depending on its location. Chips tend to be jagged and sharp. When another structure of the mouth comes into contact with the rough edge, it cuts this structure leading to additional damage and unnecessary pain. Visit the dentist to have the tooth fixed and learn whether you need dental veneers to achieve this goal.

Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

Eating or drinking often leads to extreme pain when a person has a chipped tooth. When the outer structure of the tooth becomes compromised, the root of the tooth becomes exposed, and this root is sensitive to changes in temperature. Hot and cold foods and beverages often lead to shooting pain in the tooth that reaches all the way to the root. As a result, the person with the chipped tooth might find it hard to eat or drink anything without experiencing pain.

Sensitivity When Eating

Exposure to hot and cold foods and beverages isn’t the only thing that can cause pain when a person eats. Any pressure on the tooth often brings about excruciating pain because the chip or crack in the tooth results from a cavity. As the tooth decays, it negatively affects the density of the tooth, and this leads to the crack or chip. Every time pressure is put on the tooth after this happens, it exposes the tooth to additional damage while sending pain signals from the tooth root to the brain. A dentist removes the decay, fixes the crack or chip, and restores the integrity of the tooth to eliminate the pain.


Any chip or crack in a tooth exposes the inner structure of this tooth, making it more vulnerable to decay and infection. Treating an infection promptly is critical, as allowing the nerve to remain exposed or an abscess to form often leads to damage to the nerve of the tooth. Not only is this dangerous to your health, but it also leads to the need for more extensive dental work to repair the damage.

Additional Damage

While a crack or chip in a tooth might seem like a minor inconvenience that doesn’t need immediate attention, it’s best to see a dentist right away. Any time the inner section of the tooth is exposed, the root is exposed as well. When this is the case, the tooth loses strength and becomes more vulnerable to breakage. A broken tooth puts one’s oral and overall health at risk and is extremely painful. It’s best to let a dentist address the problem before it reaches this stage.

Make an appointment for a dental checkup today. Problems caught early are easier to treat. In addition, they cost less than more invasive treatment. As your smile is meant to be shared, you need to protect it at all costs. Regular visits to the dentist make it easy to achieve this goal.

Christie Lewis
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