3 Long Distance Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend

3 Long Distance Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend

Saying goodbye to the person who you confide in, celebrate with, and run to may be bittersweet.

While as a best friend you’re happy for the reason they are moving — perhaps in getting that job they have been working so hard for, getting married and moving in with their spouse in a different state, or living out their dream of getting out and venturing off to experience something different — you know how much you will miss not having them so close.

Here are some gift ideas to remind your best friend of the love you have for each other no matter where in life you both may be, and to keep you both closer than ever. 

Photo album

3 Long Distance Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend

A photo album full of memories that can be placed on their coffee table is a great way for them to walk down memory lane whenever they are feeling homesick or miss the times you spent together.

When creating a photo album, make sure you create one for you too. That way you both have a copy, sort of like a friendship locket.

Can you imagine the length of that phone conversation when you go through it together? You’re sure to get them laughing and crying all while talking about the backstories behind some of the photos. 

Another way to gift a photo album is by purchasing a digital picture frame, uploading the pictures on there yourself, and then shipping it off to your bestie.

That way all they have to do is plug it in and enjoy the slideshow for as long and for as many times as they like. 

Novelty gifts

Gifts such as customizable best friend mugs are budget friendly and another one of those gifts that can be shared among friends.

Another great gift is a “See you soon” piggy bank jar to save up money for your next trip together. In the digital age, it’s more convenient to save using online banking.

However, using loose change to fill up a jar is a great way to save some extra money to only be cracked open when it’s time to go on your trip.

Who knows, there may be enough in there to pay for all of the meals and drinks you’ll be enjoying together over laughs and catching up. 

Personalized gifts

Any gift that’s personalized is greatly appreciated because they are one of those things that you would never think of buying for yourself.

A pillow with a printed photo of the both of you can be placed anywhere in the house. A custom blanket with a printed message is another way to remind your best friend how much they are loved, and they can snuggle up to your message whenever they start to miss your time together.

If you miss having drinks together during happy hour and catching up on your day, an engraved cocktail shaker can be of use to schedule a Facetime call while the both of you enjoy drinks at home. 

The best gifts are the ones when you pay attention to likes, wants or needs, and let them know you’ve been paying attention. So next time you’re catching up, pay extra close attention, because chances are you’ll find the perfect gift on your next call together. 

Rohit Raina
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